Chiropractor assisting a desk worker with exercises to correct forward head posture and a curved upper back in a bright, modern office.

Correct Forward Head Posture & Curved Upper Back: Tips for Desk Workers

back pain relief chiropractic care curved upper back desk workers dr. cary yurkiw ergonomic tips forward head posture healthy posture kelowna chiropractor neck pain relief office ergonomics posture correction spinal health tutt street family chiropractic workplace wellness May 24, 2024

Correcting Forward Head Posture and Curved Upper Back: A Guide for Desk Workers

Hello, desk workers! If you spend long hours at your desk, you might have noticed that your posture isn't as great as it could be. Forward head posture and a curved upper back are common problems, but the good news is they can be corrected! At Tutt Street Family Chiropractic in Kelowna, I'm Dr. Cary Yurkiw, and I'm here to help you improve your posture and overall well-being.

Understanding Forward Head Posture and Curved Upper Back 

Forward Head Posture: This happens when your head leans forward from its neutral alignment with the spine. It's often caused by leaning towards screens or hunching over your desk.

Curved Upper Back (Kyphosis): This condition is characterized by an excessive outward curve of the upper spine, often resulting from prolonged sitting with a rounded back.

Why Good Posture Matters 

Reduces Pain: Proper posture can alleviate neck and back pain.

Improves Breathing: A straight spine allows for better lung expansion.

Boosts Productivity: Feeling good physically can improve focus and efficiency.

Prevents Headaches: Reduces tension that can lead to headaches.

 Chiropractic Care: Your Ally in Posture Correction 

As a chiropractor in Kelowna, I offer personalized care to help you achieve optimal posture and spinal health. At Tutt Street Family Chiropractic, we provide:

Spinal Adjustments: Realign the spine to reduce muscle and nerve stress.

Postural Assessments: Identify specific areas of concern.

Customized Exercises: Strengthen muscles that support good posture.

Education: Learn about proper ergonomics and posture habits.

Practical Tips for Desk Workers 

1. Ergonomic Workspace: Adjust your chair, desk, and monitor. Your screen should be at eye level, and your feet flat on the floor.

2. Regular Breaks: Take short breaks every 30 minutes to stand, stretch, and walk.

3. Stretching Exercises: Incorporate neck, shoulders, and upper back stretches. Try the chin tuck, doorway stretch, and thoracic extension.

4. Strengthening Exercises: Build strength with rows, planks, and shoulder blade squeezes.

5. Mindful Posture: Use reminders or apps to check and correct your posture regularly.

6. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain muscle function and joint health.

Chiropractic Exercises for Forward Head Posture and Curved Upper Back 

Here are some exercises recommended by me, Dr. Cary Yurkiw, to help correct your posture:

1. Chin Tucks:

   - Sit or stand with your back straight.

   - Gently tuck your chin towards your chest without tilting your head down.

   - Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat 10 times.

2. Wall Angels:

   - Stand with your back against a wall, feet about 6 inches from the base.

   - Press your lower back, upper back, and head against the wall.

   - Slowly raise your arms to form a "Y" shape, keeping your elbows and hands in contact with the wall.

   - Lower your arms to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

3. Thoracic Extensions:

   - Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

   - Place your hands behind your head and gently arch your upper back over the chair's backrest.

   - Hold for a few seconds and repeat 10 times.


Improving your posture as a desk worker doesn't have to be daunting. You can maintain a healthy posture with ergonomic adjustments, regular exercises, and professional chiropractic care. At Tutt Street Family Chiropractic in Kelowna, I am dedicated to helping you enhance your comfort, productivity, and overall well-being.

If you're ready to take the next step towards better posture and health, I accept new patients without a doctor's referral. We also bill directly to insurance, including ICBC. Visit our website here or call us at 250-486-0062 to schedule an appointment. Let's work together to improve your posture and health in a friendly and welcoming environment.

About Dr. Cary Yurkiw 

Dr. Cary Yurkiw is a chiropractor in Kelowna, dedicated to providing top-notch chiropractic care. With years of experience and a passion for helping patients achieve their health goals, Dr. Yurkiw is here to guide you on your journey to better posture and overall well-being.

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free life? At Tutt Street Chiropractic, we're currently accepting new patients and offer same-day and next-day appointments for your convenience. There's no need for a doctor's referral, and we'll even bill directly to your insurance provider. Don't wait any longer to start your journey to improved spine health and wellness. Click here to book your appointment with Dr. Cary Yurkiw in Kelowna today!

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