The image shows Dr. Cary Yurkiw standing in his clinic, smiling, with framed certificates and degrees on the wall behind him. The text on the image reads,

From Necessity to Purpose: How My Journey Shaped My Service

back pain treatment chiropractic care chiropractic practice chiropractic services community care dr. cary yurkiw health and wellness holistic health kelowna chiropractor neck pain relief pain relief patient care serving patients tutt street family chiropractic weekend appointments Aug 29, 2024

I never set out to become a chiropractor with a deep sense of calling; it wasn’t something that happened overnight. It was a journey born out of necessity, filled with unexpected challenges and hard decisions that ultimately led me to where I am today. Looking back, I see how those moments shaped my view of work as a profound service—both to people in pain and to God. Let me take you on that journey.

The Early Days: A Humble Beginning

When I first started in chiropractic, I worked in a busy group practice. It was a great learning environment, surrounded by experienced professionals, but it also came with its own set of limitations. With so many practitioners and only so many hours in the day, space and time were always at a premium. I found myself squeezed between schedules, often working late into the evenings, and, eventually, it became clear that if I wanted to treat more patients and really make a difference, I had to find time outside of the regular hours.

So, I did what I had to do—I started working weekends. Saturdays, Sundays, early mornings, late evenings—whenever I could find a slot, I filled it. I wasn’t just doing it for myself; I was doing it for the people who needed help. I saw patients who were desperate for relief but couldn’t find the time during regular business hours. I knew I had the skills to help them, and I wanted to do everything I could to make it happen.

A Turning Point: Finding My True Path

It was during these long weekends that I started to see my work in a different light. I wasn’t just treating back pain or helping with neck issues; I was impacting lives in a much more meaningful way. Patients would come in, often as a last resort, seeking relief that had eluded them for so long. They would tell me stories of how their pain was affecting their lives—keeping them from playing with their kids, from enjoying their hobbies, from living fully.

Listening to these stories, I realized that I was doing more than just providing a service—I was serving. I was helping people reclaim parts of their lives that pain had taken away. That realization hit me hard, and it started to change how I viewed my work. I began to see every patient interaction as an opportunity to serve, to heal, and to make a difference in a way that went beyond the physical.

The Leap of Faith: Opening My Own Clinic

Eventually, the constraints of working in a group practice—no matter how flexible I tried to be—began to wear on me. I wanted more freedom to serve my patients in the way I felt was best. I wanted to create a space where I could focus on each person without the limitations of time and space always hanging over my head. So, I made a difficult decision: I decided to open my own clinic.

This was a huge leap of faith. I knew it would be challenging—starting a new business always is. But I also knew it was the right move. I felt called to create a place where healing could happen on my terms, where I could fully live out my mission to serve both my patients and God.

Building a Space for Healing and Service

When I opened my own clinic, it wasn’t just about setting up a business—it was about creating a sanctuary for healing. I wanted it to be a place where people felt welcome, safe, and truly cared for. I put my heart into every detail, from the layout of the rooms to the way we greet patients at the door. Everything was designed with the idea of service in mind.

Now, I have the freedom to spend as much time as needed with each patient, to really listen, and to offer personalized care that goes beyond just addressing symptoms. It’s about understanding each person’s unique story, their challenges, and their goals for a healthier, pain-free life.

Serving God Through My Work

For me, this journey has always been about more than just building a successful practice. It’s about fulfilling a higher purpose. I believe that every person I meet, every patient I help, is part of a divine plan. My skills are gifts that I’ve been given, not just for my own benefit but to be used to serve others. When I help someone heal, I feel like I’m doing God’s work.

There’s a verse that resonates deeply with me: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23). This verse reminds me that my work is not just about me or my patients; it’s about serving a greater purpose. Every adjustment, every piece of advice, every comforting word—it’s all done with the intention of honoring that calling.

Looking Back, Moving Forward

When I think back to those early days of working weekends and squeezing in patients wherever I could, I realize those were some of the most formative moments of my career. They taught me resilience, compassion, and the true meaning of service. They showed me that this work is about more than just treating pain—it’s about serving people in their time of need and serving God with every action.

Today, with my own clinic, I feel blessed to be able to carry on this work in a way that aligns with my values and my calling. I’m grateful for every patient who walks through my door, and I’m committed to serving each of them with the same dedication and love that has brought me here.

Thank you for letting me share my story with you. I hope that, in some way, it inspires you to see your own work as a form of service, to find meaning in what you do, and to use your gifts to make a difference in the lives of others. Together, we can all find ways to serve and to bring a little more healing into the world.

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